Rise and Shine!

It is 4:45 am

It is a Sunday

My bed is cozy and warm

I am tired as I had 7 kids for an overnight who were up to wee hours laughing.

The alarm goes off again

I stumble into kitchen for a cup of coffee


And I think to myself, WHY am I doing this?

In 5 short weeks I’ll be running my first ever Boston Marathon. A true Bucket List item for me. And I am in the absolute GRIND of it all. The peak of training where each weekend I’m logging long runs of 16, 18 or 20 miles. Next weekend I’ll be doing a 20 miler on the Boston course leading me closer to Marathon Monday. One Step Closer. Someone said yesterday to me that she will not sympathize with me because this is a choice. This is my hobby. This is my joy. And this made me smile. Because it is true. This is hard work. My body is tired.   My mind is tired. And yet, I like the challenge of it all. I like being finished after a long run and logging in to my GPS computer program and seeing my route. I like the feel of the training…the consistency, the structure. This is the GRIND. But this will pay off in April at the Marathon, but it also pays off in my own inner strength building because I know I can do anything if I try hard enough.

So for now, I make some toast with peanut butter, sip some NUUN water and try to psych myself up for 16 miles alone in the early dawn of a cold March morning. I hear birds chirping and grab my shoes…time to lace up…time to get moving.

Rise and Shine Baby!

rise and shine!!! (this is a favorite of mine!!!!…is playing as i type here reminding me to focus on getting this done today!)




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