Ring of Strength

My grandmother, Ruth’s, wedding ring is on my right hand. I have worn in since I turned 15…31 years ago. The ring is light weight, a simple white gold  band. Inside it has “Contentment” engraved which I always loved because being content is my mission…truly content with who I am and where I am in this life. Since I was 15, this  little ring has been a constant reminder that my mom is with me always. When I’ve been nervous, scared or needing reassurance, I’d gently touch the band and I’d gain strength feeling mom’s gentle strength, confidence and love in me. There is nothing like the love a mom.

So today, this simple ring will be given to my Elizabeth as it is her 15th birthday and it is only fitting to keep the circle going. My grandmother Ruth died when my mom was 15. When she died, she left 2 young daughters, aged 15 and 13, and her ring. My mom wore the ring every day until I turned 15 when she gave it to me. So today, I take the ring off, put into a ring box, which belonged to my grandpa, and put it in tissue paper. My finger feels empty.

My daughter, Elizabeth, knows about the ring. She is excited and has said that she loves how simple it is.  She knows the significance of the ring and said that we will find a new ring for me which she and her brothers will pick out together with me. So for now, my finger will be empty except for the  indent 31 years of wearing it has left. I hope at some point Elizabeth, too, will be able to gain strength and calm with the ring. I hope my mom knows the circle is being continued.

I hope each time Elizabeth looks down and feels the ring on her hand, she will know that she has a ring of strength on her hand.  That she is connected to me, and my mom.  I hope she knows that the ring is love…and in that, it is strength.

Happy Birthday Sweet girl!

goofing off 15 years ago! 😉


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